
Tag: Studying the Bible

10 Keys To Studying The Bible

Thank you for joining us for the 10 Keys to Studying the Bible. My name is Anita Wamble am the author of these study guides and, I’m going to be your guide through the sessions.

Before we get started, I want to say, P.E. was my least favorite class in school. I didn’t grow up working out, running, or lifting weights. Now, I work out three to five times a week. I don’t enjoy it, but I do it because I want to live a long and active life without diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, or high cholesterol.

I know my physical body is the only vehicle that will get me through this life, so I take care of my physical body, but I often fight the inner voice that tells me I’m not fast enough, I should do more reps, lift heavier weights, and I will never look like the fitness models. I must ignore that voice and be purposely, deliberate, disciplined, and consistent, if I’m not, I’ll stop working out and fall into some bad habits that I’ve left behind.

The same thing is true for our spiritual lives. May you didn’t grow up in church, or maybe you have never learned to study the Bible. Possibly you studied the scripture in the past but stopped for one reason or another. None of that matters.
What does matter is that you’ve decided to make a change in your life, and you know real change comes from the inside out, and I’m here to help you pursue your change, or as Romans 12:2 says, I’m here to help you renew your mind in God’s word.
It will take dedication, consistency, and discipline, but I know you can do it.

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